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This is a list of Home Heating Oil prices for a selection of companies from the Westchester, NY area.

This information is compiled by users of this system, not by me, and I make no claim to its correctness. But if everybody plays nice, this can be a useful system. So play nice.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided "as is". The author, publishers and marketers of this information disclaim any loss or liability, either directly or indirectly as a consequence of applying the information presented herein, or in regard to the use and application of said information. No guarantee is given, either expressed or implied, in regard to the merchantability, accuracy, or acceptability of the information.
Prices (124 available)
Company name Add new company Phone Price Date price was postedDescending Posted by
SuperiorFuel Edit company      History 914-930-8655 $3.45 Update price      History 2/20/2025 4:52pm BarnesNylawgroupllc
Bryn Mawr Fuel Edit company      History 914-500-9450 $3.35 Update price      History 2/20/2025 4:24pm BannedUser
Castle Fuel Edit company      History 914-531-7100 $3.45 Update price      History 2/20/2025 4:24pm BannedUser Edit company      History int-ern-etonly $3.30 Update price      History 2/20/2025 4:23pm BannedUser
Valley Oil Edit company      History 845-206-0545 $3.79 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:40pm Walter
Action Fuel Oil Corp Edit company      History 914-737-5400 $3.79 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:38pm Walter
Consumers Energy Cooperative Edit company      History 914-941-2288 $3.46 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:36pm Walter
COD Oil Edit company      History 914-737-7769 $3.40 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:34pm Walter
Buy Rite Fuel Co. Edit company      History 914-737-2200 $3.49 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:34pm Walter
Just Oil Edit company      History 914-302-2565 $3.80 Update price      History 2/20/2025 2:33pm Walter
Forno Fuel Edit company      History 914-483-6043 $3.45 Update price      History 2/13/2025 9:02pm Neen1980
Robison Oil Edit company      History 914-345-5700 $4.90 Update price      History 2/13/2025 9:02pm Neen1980
Palisades Fuel Edit company      History 914-945-0645 $3.69 Update price      History 2/12/2025 1:38pm nixo
Chrysalis Fuel Inc Edit company      History 845-265-2002 $3.64 Update price      History 1/30/2025 8:28pm Miked4
Slomin's Edit company      History 800-252-7663 $3.49 Update price      History 1/25/2025 4:18pm Raptors
Dollar Discount Fuel Oil Co Edit company      History 914-699-2800 $3.64 Update price      History 1/16/2025 1:36pm HotRod
Barrco Fuel llc Edit company      History 914-200-1224 $3.30 Update price      History 1/13/2025 9:52pm jlopeekskill
Direct Oil Edit company      History 914-495-3073 $3.39 Update price      History 1/10/2025 8:56pm GIGI
Mitchell Edit company      History 914-666-8400 $2.89 Update price      History 1/5/2025 4:15pm EarlyBird
L & Son Heat/AC Tech Corp Edit company      History 914-233-1466 $2.87 Update price      History 12/30/2024 4:53pm HandyatHome
Check Oil LLC Edit company      History 914-736-6573 $3.25 Update price      History 12/23/2024 5:53pm Suell
Hunter's Oil Co. Edit company      History 845-225-5474 $2.94 Update price      History 12/20/2024 8:29pm Suel
Serv-All Edit company      History 845-855-3705 $2.94 Update price      History 12/20/2024 8:18pm Suel
Economy Fuel Edit company      History 914-739-5590 $3.10 Update price      History 12/20/2024 6:52pm Tino214
Burke Heat Edit company      History 914-769-5050 $4.78 Update price      History 12/14/2024 6:46pm MK
Putnam Valley Petroleum Edit company      History 845-628-8393 $3.09 Update price      History 12/10/2024 7:42pm Richard
A & N Heating Oil Edit company      History 914-637-0070 $3.39 Update price      History 12/9/2024 8:04pm Shiny
Tarry Fuel Oil Co. Edit company      History 914-631-2580 $3.22 Update price      History 12/5/2024 3:29am KathyL
Palldino Heating Services Edit company      History 914-294-8139 $2.95 Update price      History 8/9/2024 2:27pm fuel4less
Coastal Energy CT Edit company      History 203-570-2625 $3.52 Update price      History 2/23/2024 2:53pm BannedUser
DollarWise Discount Edit company      History 855-346-0753 $3.50 Update price      History 1/18/2024 5:16pm archbgo
Westmore Fuel Edit company      History 888-518-5187 $3.45 Update price      History 1/18/2024 5:14pm archbgo
D'Ambrosio fuel Edit company      History 914-476-5320 $3.49 Update price      History 1/7/2024 10:37pm rocktcb1
Prestige Oil Company Edit company      History 914-483-6860 $3.50 Update price      History 11/2/2023 4:18pm nyrealtor
Town and Country Edit company      History 914-668-5300 $4.14 Update price      History 10/13/2023 10:36pm BannedUser
Westmore Oil Express Edit company      History int-ern-etonly $3.73 Update price      History 10/12/2023 10:13pm BannedUser
Halstead Quinn Edit company      History 914-666-3200 $3.94 Update price      History 9/18/2023 6:40pm CaraFinn Edit company      History Int-ern-etonly $4.05 Update price      History 9/18/2023 6:29pm CaraFinn
Reliable Oil Co. Inc Edit company      History 914-962-4508 $3.95 Update price      History 9/18/2023 6:27pm CaraFinn
Yorktown Fuel Edit company      History 914-962-0005 $3.94 Update price      History 9/18/2023 5:04pm CaraFinn
Supreme Oil Edit company      History 914-893-4800 $3.43 Update price      History 3/28/2023 11:50pm BannedUser
Cheap Oil Edit company      History 845-628-8389 $3.59 Update price      History 3/28/2023 11:50pm BannedUser
Euro Fuel CO LLC Edit company      History 845-363-1007 $4.20 Update price      History 1/24/2023 1:36am Duddles
Chrysalis Fuel Edit company      History 845-265-2002 $4.32 Update price      History 1/23/2023 11:59pm Duddles
All Time Oil Edit company      History 914-979-0416 $4.07 Update price      History 1/23/2023 11:49pm Duddles
Sclafani Petroleum Edit company      History 845-628-1330 $5.93 Update price      History 10/17/2022 4:45pm Walter
Heritage Edit company      History 914-277-8088 $6.44 Update price      History 5/11/2022 12:16pm six50joe
Palladino Edit company      History 914-830-5657 $4.90 Update price      History 3/11/2022 5:47pm hartsdaleoil
Affordable Fuel Corp Edit company      History 845-535-3164 $4.08 Update price      History 3/1/2022 4:21pm BannedUser
Plitnick home fuel Edit company      History 914-478-3835 $3.49 Update price      History 1/5/2022 1:16am KnicknameJ
Oil For Edit company      History 800-774-0062 $2.88 Update price      History 12/29/2021 2:43pm Ant
HeatUSA Edit company      History 188-843-28872 $3.37 Update price      History 12/24/2021 12:11am BannedUser
Northway fuel CLOSED Edit company      History 914-843-7043 $2.55 Update price      History 3/16/2021 10:41am elbritton
Precision Mechanical and Fuel Edit company      History 845-505-1088 $2.59 Update price      History 3/5/2021 9:08am BannedUser
Duplicate Edit company      History 800-774-0062 $2.33 Update price      History 2/22/2021 8:29pm Ant
Hudson Valley Fuel Oil Edit company      History 914-302-2320 $2.45 Update price      History 2/22/2021 2:02pm BannedUser
Eastern Oil Co Edit company      History 914-737-1583 $2.54 Update price      History 1/15/2021 10:11am BannedUser
S&W Oil Edit company      History 914-293-7246 $1.92 Update price      History 12/9/2020 10:38am BillD
JE Edit company      History 816-389-7178 $0.00 Update price      History 4/20/2020 3:38pm Scooter
Duplicate Edit company      History 914-930-8655 $1.47 Update price      History 4/15/2020 4:50pm BarnesNYlawgroup
Community Fuel Co Edit company      History 914-699-4351 $2.30 Update price      History 3/10/2020 8:28am BOOTSTRAPBX
S.G. Cole Edit company      History 914-737-7734 $2.39 Update price      History 2/22/2020 11:56am BannedUser
Bassi Oil Edit company      History 845-621-3300 $2.59 Update price      History 1/29/2020 8:26am Gratefulsha
duplicate Edit company      History 914-948-3487 $2.99 Update price      History 12/30/2019 11:09am Bea
Smart Touch Energy Edit company      History 855-385-7678 $2.45 Update price      History 11/20/2019 2:05pm Dingo
Harmony Fuels Edit company      History har-mon-yfuelscom $2.59 Update price      History 11/20/2019 2:04pm Dingo
duplicate Edit company      History 914-737-7769 $2.13 Update price      History 6/13/2019 6:32am BannedUser
Hoffman Energy Edit company      History 203-396-5594 $2.99 Update price      History 4/27/2019 5:01pm SusanneB
Marshall Oil Edit company      History 914-764-5766 $2.94 Update price      History 3/6/2019 2:58pm oilboy
Conte Oil Edit company      History 914-762-3777 $2.80 Update price      History 2/21/2019 12:28pm staceyandy
Fowler Fuel Edit company      History 845-528-2271 $2.69 Update price      History 2/19/2019 10:57am Cesar420
PETRO Edit company      History 914-333-2400 $244.00 Update price      History 2/2/2019 10:31am Tesmenow
Wilco Energy Edit company      History 914-667-2929 $3.07 Update price      History 11/14/2018 7:51am Cgm
Halstead Quinn Edit company      History 914-666-3200 $3.09 Update price      History 10/18/2018 3:00pm RedSport82
All Time Fuel Edit company      History 914-979-0416 $2.55 Update price      History 7/5/2018 7:23am Alltime
Best Oil Co. Inc Edit company      History 914-738-9443 $3.08 Update price      History 2/4/2018 3:33pm Nemo
Lunes Edit company      History 347-701-4201 $0.00 Update price      History 1/29/2018 8:24am Lunes
Hunts Point Fuel Corp Edit company      History 718-893-3100 $2.60 Update price      History 1/23/2018 9:36am Mjm1
Ashby/Joyce Fuel Oil Corp Edit company      History 914-576-0009 $2.95 Update price      History 1/13/2018 8:37am MCF335
duplicate Edit company      History 845-628-8389 $2.72 Update price      History 1/2/2018 2:33pm bojax45
besson oil Edit company      History 914-779-0008 $2.73 Update price      History 9/11/2017 11:09am steveg
Petroleum Kings Edit company      History 914-576-4040 $2.29 Update price      History 1/6/2017 11:36am elbritton
Washingtonville Fuel Corp Edit company      History 914-698-4633 $3.61 Update price      History 10/27/2016 11:01pm pat
Paradise fuel Edit company      History 914-410-9570 $1.89 Update price      History 3/7/2016 9:53am jazzy
Catucci Oil Edit company      History 914-528-5888 $1.85 Update price      History 2/17/2016 7:42am MarcusK35
duplicate Edit company      History 914-455-3835 $1.47 Update price      History 1/20/2016 6:07pm Seegs
N&S Edit company      History 914-769-0080 $1.99 Update price      History 1/19/2016 2:40pm nancyinbrazil
Maio Fuel Edit company      History 914-683-1154 $2.10 Update price      History 10/16/2015 1:37pm joep
Value Fuel Edit company      History 914-923-6410 $2.75 Update price      History 8/4/2015 1:58pm Friendly
Friendly Fuel, LLC Edit company      History 914-941-5010 $2.75 Update price      History 8/4/2015 1:58pm Friendly
Pre-Purchase Pallisades Edit company      History 914-945-0645 $2.89 Update price      History 6/21/2015 2:15pm isAble2014
DUPLICATE Edit company      History 914-737-7769 $299.90 Update price      History 3/3/2015 2:21pm Jackieboy
CATO FUEL (Cash Price for Cortlandt Mnr. & Peekskill) Edit company      History 914-315-7075 $3.04 Update price      History 3/3/2015 11:09am jm
duplicate Edit company      History 914-293-7246 $2.29 Update price      History 1/29/2015 12:17pm Dima
duplicate Edit company      History 914-737-5400 $2.98 Update price      History 11/12/2014 10:27am MadDogOnTheHudson
Verplanck Burner Service (upper Westchester) Edit company      History 914-739-7776 $3.22 Update price      History 10/30/2014 11:36pm Hudson
Norco Fuel Oil Edit company      History 914-666-8400 $3.50 Update price      History 10/30/2014 10:26am architexas
Bel Anne fuel Edit company      History 914-699-3777 $3.25 Update price      History 10/28/2014 9:55am Foxy
super fuel Edit company      History 718-993-4747 $3.29 Update price      History 10/27/2014 8:43am JF119
Duplicate Robison Edit company      History 914-345-5700 $3.29 Update price      History 10/15/2014 11:07am Sly
Castle(CLOSED) Edit company      History 914-333-2400 $3.59 Update price      History 9/13/2014 5:03pm stevesmom
Triboro Energy Edit company      History 718-652-5700 $3.35 Update price      History 5/11/2014 12:12am jb524
Hunter's Oil Edit company      History 845-227-0554 $3.53 Update price      History 4/19/2014 10:15am johnaq
F. R. Meixner Edit company      History 914-232-5514 $4.13 Update price      History 2/21/2014 4:08pm Midget75
Sav-on Oil(CLOSED) Edit company      History 914-944-0491 $4.09 Update price      History 2/21/2014 3:59pm Midget75
duplicate Edit company      History 914-737-7769 $3.87 Update price      History 2/17/2014 3:41pm peanut
Penny Fuel Edit company      History 914-738-6666 $3.50 Update price      History 1/22/2014 3:59pm pickel
All County Fuel Edit company      History 914-944-1624 $4.09 Update price      History 1/6/2014 12:11pm Crazy
Emergency Services Fuel Corp Edit company      History 914-762-5208 $3.39 Update price      History 4/30/2013 7:48am mikespipe
Capco Fuel Edit company      History 914-633-9500 $3.83 Update price      History 11/15/2012 11:02am leedsutd
Westchester NYC Energy Co-Op Edit company      History 914-274-7576 $3.64 Update price      History 8/31/2012 3:07pm nixo
Alliance Oil Co-Op(CLOSED) Edit company      History 646-499-4444 $3.69 Update price      History 8/31/2012 3:06pm nixo
Bel-Ann Fuel Oil Corp Edit company      History 914-699-3777 $3.92 Update price      History 8/31/2012 9:28am nixo
Barrier Oil Corp(CLOSED) Edit company      History 914-631-2272 $3.99 Update price      History 8/31/2012 9:24am nixo
Adelfi Bros. Fuel Corp Edit company      History 914-834-0122 $3.84 Update price      History 8/31/2012 9:19am nixo
Best Price Oil Corp Edit company      History 914-637-3056 $3.48 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
NLA Westchester Edit company      History 914-833-9125 $3.65 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
FIXED Price Oil Co--Op Edit company      History 914-412-5357 $3.54 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
FREE Service Oil Co-Op Edit company      History 914-412-5357 $3.49 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
Montibello Oil Inc Edit company      History 914-603-3451 $3.52 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
Oil, Gas & Electric Savings Co-Op Edit company      History 914-274-7576 $3.40 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
Pitron Fuel, Inc Edit company      History 800-924-0645 $3.54 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
Thunder Fuel Inc Edit company      History 914-969-5122 $3.60 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo
Vinton Fuel Oil Inc Edit company      History 914-633-0800 $3.51 Update price      History 12/12/2011 12:00am nixo

The history of Westchester Heating Oil Prices.
A long time ago, somebody in the county of westchester government posted a web page that was the result of a survey of some home heating oil supply companies local to the Westchester County area.

That page was located here:

If you read that page they say "The Department of Consumer Protection is no longer conducting it's home heating oil price survey." Which is too bad, because it was a valuable resource. I called them up and asked them why and I forgot what they said, but I'm sure it had something to do with budgets. But they were kind enough to give me a list of data from their most recent survey which was from December 12, 2011.

It is from that list that I seeded the data for this website.
And now it is up to you (and me) my fellow local area dwellers to contribute to the cause to supply the web viewing public with up to date information about oil prices from various companies.

For my effort I'm supplying and maintaining this web site and allowing anybody to update it as they find more information and prices. You can add new oil companies if you know of them, and update prices if you find out about them. The information I started with from 12/12/2011 is obviously stale, but it serves as a starting point from which people can update.

At the moment, it's a free for all, which means anybody can come along and make a mess. Please don't. If the need arises, I will add a voting system so other users can vote up or down user's contributions and if you get voted down a lot, I'm not going to accept information from you.

Let's all play nice. It works for wikipedia (mostly), so there's no reason it can't work here for everybody's benefit.

And if it's not obvious, I have no web design skills. If you do and you'd like to spruce up some of these pages, please get in touch with me:

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